Are you interested in working in Health, Social Care or with Children and Young People then this course will give you an opportunity to explore these vocational areas and progress. 

This course will help you to develop the skills required for your chosen career, with an added focus on your personal and social development. You will study English and Maths as part of your course. You will have experience within a real working environment to develop your practical skills with the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners.

This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020 and the Department for the Economy. Skills North West is match funded with assistance from Derry City and Strabane District Council.

Available Courses

See below a list of available courses available for Health and Social Care.

Food Allergen Awareness

This e-Learning course is an essential guide for anyone involved in food preparation, where learners will understand allergies and their causes; food labels with an ingredients list; warnings on packed food and preparing and serving non-packed food.

Training for those in a Caring Role

Understanding your role, your personal development, duty of care, equality and diversity, work in a person-centred way, communication, privacy and dignity, infection prevention and control, fluids and nutrition, mental health, dementia and learning disability, safeguarding adults, safeguarding children, basic life support, health and safety, handling information.

AED Training

This course teaches the essential skills for using a defibrillator and gives students the confidence to know what to do in an emergency.

First Aid for Parents / First Aid for the Home

This programme will replicate the content of our emergency response first aid programme with content including: Action at an Emergency, Primary Assessment, Secondary Assessment and Principles of Resuscitation (CPR).

Health and Hygiene

Content includes:

Consequences of infection, breaking the chain, health and hygiene, hand hygiene, safe handling of waste, legislation, chain of infection, factors that increase the risk of infection, control measures, PPE, environmental contamination, employers’ and employees’ responsibilities.

First Aid-Appointed Persons

Content includes: Action at an Emergency, Primary Assessment, Secondary Assessment, Breathing Disorders, Principles of Resuscitation, Airway Obstruction and Wounds and Bleeding.

Food Safety in Catering

Food safety laws, types of contamination and the associated risks, personal hygiene and safe food handling practices.

Health & Social Care

This qualification will develop the knowledge and awareness of the types of provision in the Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s sectors. It includes the roles played by workers, from principles and values through to health and safety and working with others.

The course is aimed at learners who wish to develop an understanding of these settings, allows the learners to gain the knowledge and skills required for employment or career progression, is tailored to their interests and provides learners with the opportunity to progress to employment in the care sector.

Autism Awareness

Participants gain accurate information needed to support individuals with Autism; family, colleagues and those within the wider community. Training is delivered by health professionals who have delivered training to the Health and Social Care Trusts in N. Ireland.

Training includes role play, practical examples, gaining rapport and all inclusive. Participants will have the required knowledge and understanding needed to engage in supporting ASD within their community. Course: Features associated with Autism Spectrum disorder, What the diagnosis means? Supporting someone with Autism, Misunderstanding of impact of ASD. Course will create an understanding of the features associated with ASD or Autism and exploring various strategies to support individuals and their communities.

Management & Administration of Medicines

Specialist Programme Mapped to Industry Standards - Comprehensive overview of the key roles/responsibilities of individuals when managing and administering medicines.

Infection Control and Risk assessment

Particularly at present, infection prevention and control is incredibly important as the risk of spreading infections is ever present. It is important that everyone knows the risks, how to stay safe and how to keep themselves and everyone around them healthy.

This three-hour online course, raises awareness of these issues by focussing on the three core areas of Infection, the chain of infections and hygiene.

Pre-Employment Domiciliary Care

Introduction of Domiciliary Care - It is recognised that domiciliary carers are vital to the provision of end of life care provided to people in their own homes, helping them remain in their preferred place of care. This course covers an introduction to the main skills that you develop as a Domiciliary Care worker.

Introduction to Domiciliary care

Introductory Programme Mapped to Industry Standards

A comprehensive overview of the domiciliary care sector and the core roles and responsibilities of employees. Covering a range of related subjects. Introduction to our industry contacts/support of qualified careers adviser.

Fire Safety Awareness

Learners will learn basic fire safety principles, including causes of fires in the workplace, basic fire safety duties and responsibilities, principles of fire risk control, safe use of portable fire-fighting equipment and more. Our course is designed to meet the needs of the students and pitched at a level which meets their individual learning needs.

HSENI certificate / Level 1 Award NUCO

Epi pen training

What the delegates will learn:

Prevention, recognition and treatment of severe allergic reaction including the use of auto-injectors and CPR.

Course content:

Auto-injector, understanding and recognising allergic reactions, resuscitation (CPR all ages), communication and casualty care, primary survey and unresponsive casualty treatment. Course is designed to meet the needs of the group, interactive, engaging, ensuring all participants gain transferrable knowledge enhancing employability outcomes for participants.

Managing Challenging behaviour in children

Factors increasing potential for challenging behaviour, Communication skills in de-escalating potential aggression & Non-physical interventions to manage aggressive/challenging behaviours. Additional services provided is the incorporation sector specific examples and case studies to increase the candidate learning experience.

The clients will be provided with an in-depth trainer report outlining any relevant course specifics and attendee outcomes. All successful participants (following successful completion of a multiple-choice exam) will be provided with an outcome certificate

Challenging behaviour in Level 1

Child protection

Definitions of abuse, codes of conduct, whistle blowing and confidentiality.

Non accredited - *Early Years Team Compliant

Designated Child protection officer training

The role and responsibility of the designated officer, key legislation and guidance, making appropriate decisions about action to take when informed of a concern.

Non accredite - Early Years Team Compliant

Mental Health First aid

Comprehensive training covers; identifying the early warning signs of addictions, anxiety, depression, psychosis, self-harming, eating disorders, trauma and suicidal behaviour, intervention, signposting for professional help, self-awareness, coping strategies for individuals/families facing the impact of mental health. This course is tailored to address and promote the wellbeing of communities and future generations.

Paediatric First Aid

CPR, choking, unresponsive casualty, emergency management, burns, meningitis, bleeds, epilepsy, poisoning, bites, stings, anaphylaxis, sepsis, asthma, diabetics, foreign objects, eye injuries, head, breaks, joint and muscle injuries. Training incorporates both practical and interactive learning, ensuring confidence and ability to put theory into practice. Additionality, defibrillator training is provided as we recognise early intervention is vital. Statics show that defibrillator intervention increases survival rates from 6% to 72%.